My Backpack

Over this summer I read Finding Someplace by Denise Lewis Patrick. Finding Someplace was about a girl named Reesie Boone. This book took place in New Orleans, 2005, when Hurricane Katrina struck. Reesie was all alone and had little time to pack what she would bring out of Hurricane Katrina. She brought important papers, a picture frame from her neighbor, and other necessary things. Then she grabbed her backpack, and ran to her neighbor, Mrs Martine’s house where she started feeling the wrath of Hurricane Katrina.

That’s when I decided to draw a backpack about what I would do if I was stuck in Reesie Boone’s position. In that situation I would bring my phone and my parents’ phones so I could call anyone I needed to and I would bring a crank flashlight so I could see when it gets dark. I would also bring my wallet and my parents wallet so I could purchase anything I needed to and some of the safes in my house. In addition, I would bring some food so I would not get hungry, a couple water filters so I don’t get thirsty, and a solar charger to charge the phones. Finally, I would bring a blanket to keep warm, some clothes so I would be comfortable and clean, and some of my parents really expensive things like golden watches, diamond rings, and some other things. These are the items I would bring if I was in Reesie Boone’s position.

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